Small Flourishes Help in a Big Way!

Sure it may not be the most visible item on the screen or necessarily the most usable (discoverable, functional) but small flourishes like an elegantly crafted branding area (what I…

Process Bloat

Related to earlier posting about too many systems. Process is nothing bad or evil in itself; it’s just the risk of process becoming a burden that sucks out the “life”…

Getting the Whole Company Behind You

One of the biggest challenges when designing a new product (or significant revision to existing product) is to get everyone else in the company behind you and the project. A…

Ack! Too many systems taking over…

As a team evolves its own internal user experience competency within the overall corporate machine, a hi-risk danger arises when the “informal” becomes the “formal” , with the introduction of…

Selling your New Design

One of and perhaps the hardest aspect of re-designing a product with a new visual treatment is selling the design both internally and externally. As a former manager told me,…