AEA: Seattle 2007 Review

I had the pleasure of attending the Event Apart gathering held June 21-22 in Seattle along the waterfront at the Bell Harbor Conference Center. (big thanks to Involution Studios :-)…

Dealing with edge cases

One of the challenges of working with inter-disciplinary software teams involves incessant yet valuable inputs from QA engineers, who earnestly point out situations not necessarily covered by the MRD or…

UI design, simply explained

From IHT: There’s a name for this: user interface design, or UI for short. Its goal is to ensure that all of us can use digital devices simply and intuitively,…

Rich UX Crib Sheet

This posting is meant to serve as a practical follow-up to the more reflective, academic article I recently published on boxesandarrows about designing for a rich user experience. This is…

Gotta be specific…

Simply saying “it doesn’t feel right” isn’t sufficient feedback when reviewing a design with a manager or prototyper or engineer (much less so for other peer designers). It’s just a…