“Place” for mobile UX & design culture

Place is a deep concept rich in potential–particularly in relation to “mobile workstyles” and creating a culture of design. Indeed, my own fascination with “place” as an amorphous digital concept…

Thresholds of design decision-making

Lately this word “threshold” has appeared in my readings and co-worker discussions. Threshold may be to be a very potent concept for designers to bear in mind. While principles serve…

Different kinds of design principles

Design principles are valuable in ascertaining & defining the core qualities of a product/service offering, providing a guide for critical decisions (and conflicts). I apply principles often in the course…

Preparing to improvise

Recently I had the very cool opportunity of demo’ing some critical UI concepts to our company CEO (with assorted execs), as well as to high profile customers seeking a multi-million…

Designers and their tools

Earlier this year there was outrage and grief expressed over Adobe’s decision to no longer continue development for Fireworks. It is, in effect, being killed off. As a dedicated Fireworks…