Finally, after a year since getting the DreamHost service and registering the “ghostinthepixel” domain, I have settled on the foundation of what I hope will be a regularly updated blog focused on the deeper issues underlying interaction design–and the groundwork for a personal design philosophy.
Why am I doing this?
- As a quietly emerging thought leader, it’s expected to have a blog I suppose for “street cred” value… Hey, I’m game!
- Frankly, this blog is partly a reaction to what I read on ixda’s discussion list. I’ve grown tired of endless tedious debates that seem to ignore (imho) the potential of interaction design as I’ve been taught. And what does that entail? I shall lay it all out here…slowly…over time…trust me!
- Following from that, the posts may become a book somedy, much like my fellow Carnegie Mellon School of Design alum Jon Kolko has done (see So yes, I am generating content!
This is a space for various wonderings, hypotheses, and concepts about interaction design as a humanistic and strategic activity (more on this soon). Illuminating upon issues not commonly discussed or identified in daily practice as designers get literally lost in the pixels. The intent is to be more “macro” than “micro”. Many ideas may seem bizarre or (to some folks) flat out wrong (from their point of view ;-)
Finally, the flavor of thinking presented here is distinctly “CMU” with no apologies about it! As I get older and more years removed from my student days, I fear forgetting critical lessons, so I want this to be my online record (a reverse diary of sorts?) re-capturing and reflecting upon CMU-based design theory and philosophy…and blending that with what I gather from practice along the way, as I work for clients to cultivate my personal approach of Design.
Some of you may know that Dan Saffer has an excellent account of his CMU years which I have often referred to, but peers have often asked me to post my own perspective on the same ideas, given my experience and such.
So finally, here it is. I hope you enjoy it!
** Quick note: I imported posts from a previous blog hosted on blogger, which emphasized issues of digital construction and development. From here on out, the focus will mainly be design theory and strategy. Maybe a couple pixel lessons along the way ;-)