On design process…

I must confess–I find it amusing when people talk about “the” design process as if there were one final absolute ultimate standardized process that always guarantees success. Hmmm! Even I’m…

What drives a designer?

Problems. And a passionate desire to improve upon problems found anywhere. But to elaborate more on that…I think there are at least two (and certainly more…coming soon!) critical factors that…

Multiple hats at work

As a designer at work, there are multiple hats to wear, each of varying size and weight and flavor given the situation at hand. Here’s a quick sketch of what…

What is meant by “product”?

In CMU-speak, a product can be a lot of things. It has a very broad, liberal interpretation, referring to anything artificial, material or immaterial, resulting from deliberative human effort and…

Original design thinking* = Rhetorical thinking

* “Design thinking” has unfortunately become an overused buzzword, adopted by Silicon Valley digerati and strategy fashionistas to refer to solving problems in a “designerly” way. I hope to clarify…