Design process as a Swiss army knife

Going back to my previous post about my flavor of the user-centered design process, I want to clarify one vital point. The most important thing about having an effective design…

Digital product design

This is something that has come up a few times while working at Involution Studios with Andrei and my other colleagues: Is what we do “digital product design”, melding the…

The 4 orders of design

Dick Buchanan postulated at CMU and in his writings that there are 4 “orders of design”, based upon product type and dimensionality (as well increasing complexity level and scope of…

What do designers want?

I remember on my first job out of school, just a couple months after graduating from CMU, one of the principal designers at Oracle had a quick introductory chat with…

Key questions for every designer

When entering a situation for the first time, or when re-visiting issues later on in the cycle, there are a few critical questions that as a designer you should continually…